Day 3 - Lots of ups and downs and wet bums… sort of!
Ahh blessed sleep! We were all very much in need of a good night’s kip and so were our adults and so it was no surprise the corridors were VERY quiet last night! Up we got again for another yummy breakfast before heading off for our morning activities. Two of our groups had a go and climbing and abseiling, while the other two built rafts to sail on Goose Poo Lake (if you know, you know!) and improved our archery skills at the archery range.
Showered and dry, we went for lunch and then GIFT SHOP TIME!!!!! We promise we didn’t spend allllllllll our money on sweets!
Afterwards, we swapped over to complete the other two activities, pushing ourselves past our comfort zones and learning some great new skills.
After dinner, our group leader Alex did a room inspection so we had to very quickly tidy away all our stinky socks and sweet wrappers and hope she didn’t see our soggy towels!
Our evening entertainment was real life Cluedo, where we used our newly acquired orienteering skills to find and question suspects in the notorious ‘theft’ of all the PGL equipment. Suspects included: Snappy the Crocodile, Harold the Chicken and Peg-Leg the Pirate.
Phew! It’s definitely time for bed after all that running around! We’ll speak to you tomorrow!