Healthy Schools
In December 2016, with the support of the Watford Lions Parkgate Junior achieved its ‘Enhanced Healthy Schools' Status.
We were visited by Kate Stockdale – the Herts for Learning Healthy Schools advisor who spoke to pupils, staff, governors and parents throughout the day. She was impressed by not only the work done but also the desired outcome of a sustained and realistic approach to the health and wellbeing of our pupils. The school focus included Physical fitness, Healthy eating and Mental Health.
The report stated; " The school’s commitment to Healthy Schools is fully embedded into the ethos and vision of the school. Healthy Schools is not an add-on but an integral part to the management of the school and the pupil’s learning. The staff, governors, pupils, parents and carers are to be highly commended for driving this healthy school initiative forward. Parkgate is to be congratulated on the depth of work that has been undertaken…Congratulations"
Since this enhanced status the school continues to encourage Health and wellbeing through new initiatives such as the Daily Mile and changes to the PSHCE curriculum. Thank you also to ASDA for the grant which enabled our School Council to buy new equipment for the playground and to for our new picnic tables.
If you have any questions or ideas about being an ‘Enhanced Healthy School’ please speak to Mrs Croxford as she is always looking for new ideas!