Our Partnership with Parents
Parental involvement is highly valued in our school and we are grateful for any help and time parents can give us. Please contact us if you are able to help in any way.
Parents and families are always welcome to come into our school. We like parents to contact us if they have any particular concerns.
Home School Agreement
We believe that parents and school should work in partnership to educate children. To this end we have a Home School Agreement, which acknowledges the responsibilities of school, parents and children in this vital partnership. We will ask you to sign this in September.
Home School Contact
Parent/teacher consultations are held twice a year and an annual school report is issued during the Summer term. If you are concerned about your child’s performance or any aspect of school life, please contact the school to arrange to see the child’s teacher or Headteacher.
We hope that all our parents will support their children and the school, by ensuring that children do all set homework. The school has a homework policy, which is available in the office. A homework booklet is given out each term to explain the work each class will need to do and when it should be handed in.
You are all Members of the PTA
Some of you like to work on committees, some like to help in a practical way. Others of you will be happy to lend a hand when we need some transport. Whatever you can do is of help towards your child and the children of the School.
A considerable amount of money is raised each year and some good fun had on the way. This money is used for the benefit of all the pupils at the school.
The school aims to work closely with parents and we hope that parents who have any concerns or anxieties will, in the first instance, raise these with the child’s class teacher. We find that nearly all concerns or parents complaints can be resolved through discussion.
If parents feel they would like to discuss a matter further after speaking to the class teacher, they are advised to make an appointment to see the Headteacher.
The Governors of the school have approved a complaints procedure based on the recommendation from Hertfordshire County Council.