School Meals menu
Caterlink Menu - Week One - w/c 02/09/24, 23/09/24, 14/10/24, 04/11/24, 25/11/24, 16/12/24
Monday – BBQ Pizza Baguette with Pasta salad (M) or Cheesy Bean Pastie (VE) Jacket Potato (J) Tuna Baguette (CM) or Cheese Baguette (CV)
Tuesday – Beef burger with toppings and potato wedges (M) or Bean burger with toppings and potato wedges (VE) Jacket Potato (J) Tuna Baguette (CM) or Cheese Baguette (CV)
Wednesday – Roast Chicken, Roast Potatoes (M) Roast Chicken, Roast Potatoes (HALAL) (H)
or Veggie Sausages with Roast potatoes (VE) Jacket Potato (J) Tuna Baguette (CM) or Cheese Baguette (CV)
Thursday – Spaghetti Bolognaise with Garlic Bread (M) or Veggie Bolognaise with Garlic Bread (VE) Jacket Potato (J) Tuna Baguette (CM) or Cheese Baguette (CV)
Friday – Fish Fingers with Chips (M) Cheese n Tomato Wrap with Chips (V) Jacket Potato (J)
Caterlink Menu - Week 2 - w/c 09/09/24, 30/09/24, 21/10/24, 11/11/24, 02/12/24
Monday – Chicken and Tomato Pasta (M) or Veggie Tomato Pasta (VE) Jacket Potato (J) Cheese Baguette (CV)
Tuesday – Sausage roll with potato wedges (M) or Loaded Jackets (VE) Jacket Potato (J) Tuna Baguette (CM) or Cheese Baguette (CV)
Wednesday – Roast Chicken, Roast Potatoes (M) Roast Chicken, Roast Potatoes (HALAL) (H)
or Roasted Quorn with Roast potatoes (VE) Jacket Potato (J) Tuna Baguette (CM) or Cheese Baguette (CV)
Thursday – Chicken Korma with Rice (M) or Veggie Meatballs in tomato sauce with rice. (VE) Jacket Potato (J) Tuna Baguette (CM) or Cheese Baguette (CV)
Friday – Fish Fingers with Chips (M) Cheese and Tom Wrap (V) Jacket Potato (J)
Caterlink Menu - Week 3 - w/c 16/09/24, 07/10/24, 28/10/24, 18/11/24, 09/12/24
Monday – Macaroni & Cheese (M) or Plant Balls in Tomato Sauce with Rice (VE) Jacket Potato (J) Tuna Baguette (CM) or Cheese Baguette (CV)
Tuesday – Mild Caribbean Chicken with Rice & Peas (M) or Caribbean Butterbean Stew (VE) Jacket Potato (J) Ham Baguette (CM) or Cheese Baguette (CV)
Wednesday – Roast Chicken, Roast Potatoes (M) Roast Chicken, Roast Potatoes (HALAL) (H)
or Cheese & Tomato Pinwheel (VE) Jacket Potato (J) Egg Baguette (CM) or Cheese Baguette (CV)
Thursday – Spaghetti Bolognaise (M) or Hot Pot Baked Beans Casserole with Rice (VE) Jacket Potato (J) Tuna Baguette (CM) or Cheese Baguette (CV)
Friday – Breaded Fish Fingers with Chips & Tomato Sauce (M) Cheese & Beaf Puff (V) Jacket Potato (J)