World Book Day
World Book Day 2024
Watch this space for what's happening soon for WBD in 2025!
We had lots of great activities again this year to celebrate World Book Day and our love of reading.
Design a Bookmark Competition
We had so many creative entries for our competition and as always, it was so difficult to choose the winners. However, we got there in the end and there was a winner from each class, with one overall winner. Congratulations to Faye (3R), Dua (3O), Asher (4P), Jessica (4H), Abishaya (5T), Clara (5P), Anaisha (6E) and Olivia (6E). The overall winner was Abishaya.
Check out these beautiful designs below.
WBD Packs
To celebrate World Book Day, all children were gifted their WBD pack. This consisted of one of the WBD titles to keep, a fun bookmark and a WBD token. We hoped the children enjoyed reading their book.
In the classrooms, Miss Osborne had organised Book Blankets (getting all classroom books out to look at and discuss), DEAR (Drop Everything And Read), Reading Rivers (charting our reading over a 24-hour period, from cereal boxes to clocks to street signs!), what a Reading Superhero might look like and more.
World Book Day in the UK is celebrated every year on the first Thursday of March. Publishers and booksellers come together to give children a token to exchange for one of the WBD books, so you get a book for FREE! Or you can get £1 off any other book. Check out the The World Book Day website (click on the above banner) - it is an amazing place to explore. Not just for World Book Day but all year round!
Great things to do includes:
- watch booktrailers
- make and do
- watch author videos
- colouring
- read book extracts
- check out author & illustrator masterclasses which include videos and teacher’s resources
- brief themed booklists
- recommended reads
- expert story writing tips
- teaching guides & resource packs for particular books & authors
Also on the website under the Inspiration heading, World of Stories podcasts has a selection of free audiobooks. I
World Book Day at Parkgate
Although we celebrate the joy of reading throughout the year, we make an even bigger thing of it during the week of the national World Book Day. This normally falls on the first Thursday of March each year, although we usually celebrate it on the Friday.
We often do several activities, which can include a sale/ bookswap, lunchtime reading, World Book Day library and foyer display, giving out the WBD tokens and the last few years we have also given out a free WBD book and a bookmark. There are also fun booky-related activities and learning in the classrooms.
On top of this, we always do a competition. Yay! Have a look below at the different competition themes and see the fun we've had doing this.
Potato Parade 2022

Previous World Book Days