Herts Public Libraries
We are so lucky to have a fantastic public library on our doorstep. We work very closely with North Watford library and publicise their fun reading, creative and other events.
The librarians also come into school each summer term to tell us all about the Summer Reading Challenge.
For more information about Herts Libraries, click here.
Not a member of Herts Libraries? You can sign up today here.
Access the below online services immediately using the temporary member number provided on sign up, until staff are able to issue you with a permanent library card when you visit.
If you are a member of Herts libraries, you can also use their Ebooks and Audiobooks service for free - with no overdue charges! Borrowbox is a complete library in one app. For more information on Borrowbox, click on the icon or heading above.
Online Magazines and Newspapers
As a member, you can also read magazines and newspapers for free. For more information, click on the above heading or icons.
Need to find reliable sources of information to help with your homework? as a library member you can get help using Britannica Online Encyclopedia (for juniors) and other reference resources. Click on the heading or icon above for more information.