Attendance Information
We encourage good attendance. Lateness from school results in lost learning. Look at the table below and see for yourself.
What does your child's attendance figure mean as learning time lost?
Your RAG | Attendance Figure | Days absent by end of the year | School time missed by the end of year 11 |
Green | 100% | 0 | 0 |
Amber | 95% | 10 | Half a year |
Red | 90% | 20 | 1 whole year |
Red | 85% | 30 | 1 and a half years |
Red | 80% | 40 | 2 whole years |
If your child is | In a year your child would lose the following days of education |
5 Minutes late | 3 Days |
10 Minutes late | 6.5 Days |
15 Minutes late | 10 Days |
20 Minutes late | 13 Days |
30 Minutes late |
19.5 Days |