Monthly Maths challenge
Monthly Maths challenge
"Maths in real life"
The maths challenge is back! Most of the challenges are all visual so think about taking lots of photos. You can present them in any way you like. The more creative, the better as they will look fab on our maths challenge display board. You have a month to do the challenge. Please send your work in by the beginning of the Spring term. There will be a certificate and prize for the most impressive work.
February 25 Maths Challenge - "The Big Bird Watch"
This month, we are linking our Maths Challenge to the Big Bird Watch organised by the RSPB.
During this month, go out into the garden and see what birds you can spot. I’ve attached some documents to google classroom to help you. You can choose to present your findings in any way e.g. you could do bar charts, pie charts or even pictograms. It would be lovely to see some drawings of the birds you spot too. Bring your work back by Friday 28th February. You have half term during this month so a perfect opportunity to get out and spot those birds.
Extension activity - I have also attached on Google classroom some data from 2024. You could use it to compare this year’s and last year’s findings.
Have fun and I can’t wait to see your fantastic work!
January 25 Maths Challenge - "Show off your maths skills"
In January, you are challenged to show us what you love about maths. Do you enjoy
collecting data and creating graphs? Do you enjoy creating 2D or 3D shapes? Is times tables more your thing? Use your imagination and create anything you like showing of your maths skills. Please bring your work in by Monday 27th January. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.
December 24 Maths Challenge: "Snowflake or snow-fake?"
Task 1
Many of the snowflakes we see on cards, wrapping paper and seasonal clothing at this time of the year, are in fact snow-fakes. Real snowflakes always have 6-fold symmetry! ‘Snow-fakes’ are those with 8-fold symmetry. See how many snow-fakes you can find. You could create a poster with pictures of the ones you find.
Task 2
Make snowflakes with 6-fold symmetry
You will need: Paper (you can use scrap paper to be environmentally friendly!) and scissors; you could also photograph your examples of snowflakes. Click on the snowflakes to find templates to help you.
This is maths because you will be using skills such as Geometry and angles; symmetry, rotations and reflections. Bring your work in by the beginning of next term. I can’t wait to see what fakes you find and flakes you make!
November 24 Maths Challenge: "TetraTREEdrons"
This month we want you to build a tree, with a mathematical twist! Discover how to build a tetrahedron from a net, then join 4 (or more!) tetrahedrons to make a Sierpinski tetrahedron. We call these TetraTREEdrons!
Materials you will need:
Tetrahedron Template Plain paper, pencil and ruler
Colouring pens, pencils or crayons
Further crafty decoration items (optional)
1. Colour and decorate the triangles
2. Cut along the outside line – ask an adult if you need help
3. Fold all the inside lines away from you – your tetrahedron should come together
4. Put glue on the shaded tabs and stick together
You can join 4 tetrahedrons to make a Sierpinski tetrahedron (a tetratreedron!) – something mathematicians call a fractal – a never ending pattern of self-similar shapes that repeats itself. You will also find this on Google classroom. HAVE FUN!
Autumn Half Term Maths Challenge
Take part in a half term TT Rockstars tournament challenge to win your class extra break time. This is a TEAM EFFORT, get battling to help your classmates win the tournament. The Battle starts today at 3.40pm and finishes Friday 1st November at 3.40pm. This months Autumn Maths challenge can also be completed this half term. Don’t forget to take some photos and create a poster with your findings. You could go conker hunting and see how many you find or measure some sticks and challenge yourself to convert the length from cm to mm. What other math’s ideas can you come up with?
October 24 Maths Challenge: "Autumn"
This month's challenge is Autumn themed. Have a go at some of these suggestions or make up some of your own. Take photographs and create a poster of your work. Please bring it in to school by Friday 27th October. We’re looking forward to seeing all your wonderful work.
Autumn maths ideas:
1.Find some leaves and put them into size order. Go on a conker hunt and count how many you can find.
2. Collect some twigs and measure their lengths. Can you measure them in cm and convert to mm or metres using decimals?
3. Collect some autumn leaves and arrange them into a pattern.
September 24 Maths Challenge: "Figure me out"
The monthly maths challenge is back! This month's challenge is called ‘Figure me out’. Your challenge is to create a poster designed around numbers to describe yourself. For example, your age, birthday or year, number of siblings or pets, number of years you’ve been at the school. Can you think of other maths facts about yourself? Cover each number with a Post- it note containing a number sentence that gives the answer to the number hidden below. The challenge is posted on Google Classroom with a link to a web page with examples to help you. There is also a template should you wish to use it but feel free to design your own.
We did this challenge last September, your posters will be different as you are a different age, you may have got a pet or a new siblings etc.
Please bring your work in by Monday 30th September.
There are a number of examples of these sorts of posters online, please see link.