Easter Holiday Activities
There will be no daily work set over the next two weeks. We understand some of you might find it upsetting but don’t fret! 😊 We are going to provide you with some exciting opportunities to keep busy.
See this list of websites that you might find useful and entertaining!
Easter Maths Challenges
Literacy Easter Activity Pack
Easter Origami - https://www.redtedart.com/easy-easter-origami-for-kids/
Easter Science 1 - https://buggyandbuddy.com/12-unique-easter-science-activities-for-kids/
Easter Science 2 - https://www.science-sparks.com/fun-easter-science-experiments/
Easter STEM - https://funlearningforkids.com/easter-science-and-stem-activities-for-kids/
Try these Easter traditions from around the world - https://www.scholastic.com/parents/kids-activities-and-printables/activities-for-kids/holiday-and-seasonal-ideas/easter-traditions-around-world.html
Easter Puzzles and Colouring - https://www.activityvillage.co.uk/easter