Wednesday 20th May 2020
Starter 1: Daily 10 – 4 x tables - DIVISION
Starter 2:
check answers at the bottom of the page.
Remember to practise your 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 times tables and related division facts every day for the next few weeks!
Example: 2x2=4; 4/2=2
What is a quotient? .
The answer to a division problem is the quotient.
Today we’ll be continuing to learn how to do short division bus stop method!
Watch these short division video clips from yesterday to remind yourself of the correct division layout!
BBC Bitesize Video -
Now try these for today’s task:
Today we are going to recap some of the aspects we have looked at in poetry over the last week.
Follow the link and complete the quizzes and tasks on each slide.
Send your teacher the score you got in the quizzes and do all of the other tasks in your workbook.
Go to
Listen to and read the text, then try having a go at activity 2 today.
We will be trying the other activities later this week.
Maths starter answers:
1. 9 2. 9 3. 7 4. 8 5. 10