Tuesday 7th July 2020
Practice your times tables and spellings every day.
Times Tables:
Hit the button: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Daily 10: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10
Have a go at the task below for today’s work.
Task: Oak National Academy Online Classroom: Year 3
Today’s Topic: Multiply and divide by 1000
In this lesson, we will use our place value knowledge to multiply and divide numbers by 1000.
This can be found through the link below:
Choose a task to have a go at today.
Task 1: Oak National Academy Online Classroom: Year 3
Today’s Topic: Instructions: Reading Comprehension - Word Meaning
In this lesson, we are going to explore the meaning of words using letters.
This can be found through the link below:
Task 2: BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons: Year 3
Today’s Objective: To recognise the features of a newspaper report.
There are videos to watch, and some activities to complete.
Please complete at least one task from the lesson to complete today.
The BBC Bitesize website can be found through the hyperlink below:
Have fun!