Wednesday 1st April 2020
Don't forget to check SAM Learning for tasks to complete. Tasks will be set on there throughout the week.
Practise your 4 times tables to get you started today.
Set up a daily 10 challenge using the link below. Practice the 4 times tables and give yourself 5 or less seconds to complete them.
Today we will be continuing to practise the grid method for multiplication.
It involves partitioning numbers into tens and ones before they are multiplied.
Watch this video to remind you how to do it.
Now choose your challenge for today:
Choose a challenge based on how you found the questions yesterday.
If you want more practice of yesterday’s task choose Challenge 1, if you want to try questions a little more difficult than yesterday choose Challenge 2.
You only need to complete one of the challenges.
Challenge 1: TOxO – Use sheet C to complete calculations.
Challenge 2: TOxO – Use sheet D to complete calculations.
Take a look at the acrostic poem below.
An acrostic poem is a poem where the first letter of each line spells out a specific word. This can be one word per line or a sentence per line.
Choose one of the challenges below to have a go at today.
Challenge 1) Write your own acrostic poem with a word of your choice using one word per line.
Challenge 2) Write your own acrostic poem with a word of your choice using a sentence on each line.
You can choose any word but the words and sentences in your poem should link back to this word.
If you are stuck for a word to write about try EASTER.
Read the text and answer the questions.
Here are the answers to check your answers after.