Year 3 Home Learning
Home Learning - Summer Challenges
It is the final week of the school year and what a strange year it has been. Thank you Year 3 for all of your fantastic effort and constant smiles throughout the time we have not been in school. We have missed you very much and are very proud of all that you have achieved while learning from home. We are always impressed by the pieces of work that you send us.
If you are stuck for something to do over the summer holidays we have put together a list of challenges that you can have a go at below. There is also the Summer Reading Challenge to have a go at too. This year it is being held online. Follow the link below for more information.
We hope that you have a lovely summer holiday and we can't wait to see you all again in Year 4!
Ms Merchel and Mr Last
You can now earn DOJO POINTS, just like you were doing when we were in school, for the pieces of work that you let us know you have completed and the tasks that we see you have completed on SAM Learning. We will add your points onto Class Dojos and let you know how many you have earned if you email to ask. When we return to school there will be an award for all your hard work and a class reward for the Year 3 class that earns the most points before we return.
On this page you will find a list of all the work we wish you to complete whilst you are currently unable to come in to school. At the bottom of this page you will also find some important websites that require a log in.
Please complete the Maths, Reading and Writing activities posted below each day, as well as a science/topic activity chosen daily by you from the Science & Topic activity grid. There is also a spellings list for you to practise and times tables can be practised as normal in your workbook or by using any of the times tables resources posted below E.g. TT Rockstars.
Record all of your written work in the workbook sent home.
Any pieces of work that cannot be done in your workbook can be sent to your class email address:
Keep busy! Keep an eye on this page and check it every now and again for updates regarding useful web links, activities, resources and ideas to keep you busy.
Keep active! Don’t forget to get some fresh air and do something active. Activities and videos to help you keep active can be found below.
If you have any questions, please send an email to your class email address.
Useful Links
Below is a list of useful websites that we may ask you to use. Some of these require you to log in. Please read the log in instructions for each site if this applies.
School Library -
Oxford Reading Owl -
Click on the button that looks like the one below

and sign in using
Username: Parkgateyear3
Password: Parkgate
TT Rockstars –
Use your school log-in that should be stuck in your homework diary and in your workbook.
Class teachers have these to hand if needed.
You can also use this login to access other maths games on Numbots -
SAM Learning –
Your login details are:
Centre ID: WD24PJ
User ID: Your (6 digit) date of birth followed by your initials.
Password: The same as your User ID.
E.g. Adam Smith born on 12th April 2013 would be 120413AS.
Purple Mash -
To get your login details contact your class teacher.
If you have any questions, please send an email to your class email address.